École Macneill Home

Two Languages, One Vision...Vive la Différence
To foster in our students a love and a desire for life-long learning in both official languages of Canada in a positive, challenging, and caring environment.
Inculquez à nos élèves le désir continu d’apprendre dans les deux langues officielles du Canada en offrant un milieu d’apprentissage positif, stimulant, et soucieux de leur bien-être.

News & Announcements

MVSD & ACC Graduation Powwow 2024

MVSD & ACC Grad Powwow 2024

Congratulations to all MVSD & ACC 2024 Graduates. Enjoy the sound of our Mackenzie Middle School Powwow Drum group and the incredible visuals of our communities coming together. Thank you to all who attended, Miigwetch
Macneill Students Music Assembly

Mercredi Musicale at Ecole MacNeill

Thank you to Mme. Knutson for hosting a lovely musical assembly on Wednesday June 5, 2024. Students sang songs and did a demonstration of Mme. Knutson’s favorite instrument, the recorder. Well Done Ecole MacNeill students! Bravo!
Summer Games Committee

Manitoba Summer Games Announcement

We were honored to join the 2024 Manitoba Summer Games host committee along with athletes and other partners; the City of Dauphin, Sport MB, MB Hydro and the Province of MB on Friday, April 26th for the announcement of the upgrades to the DRCSS outdoor athletics facility, including a rubberized track, a paved sport court and power to the announcer’s booth. Thank-you for your contribution of a legacy that will benefit not only the division but our community for many years to come.
MVSD 2024-2025 School Calendar

MVSD 2024-2025 School Calendar

Please click on the link to view the MVSD 2024-2025 School Calendar. For future reference, school calendars may be found on the MVSD website by clicking on the "Division" header and the "Calendar" link.

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